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Aniara - Lajvet


Aniara - Lajvet

Harry Martinsons episka klassiker som lajv i samarbete med Foxtrot Larps arrangeras i Göteborg. Evenemangets språk är engelska.

This is a larp in the Nordic Larp tradition organized by Foxtrot Larps and Studiefrämjandet in Gothenburg in the spring of 2025. The larp is currently full but sometimes it's possible to be on the reserve list and still get at spot later on. Sign up via the web page linked below.

Several years have passed since the spaceship Aniara got out of her course. The refugees onboard - those still alive - have started to crawl up from their bad attempts at coping with going out into space without hope of ever returning. They are trying to find something to fill the emptiness inside with, something that would give meaning, something to fill the years they have left of their lives.

Is it possible to find something that can push away the emptiness and darkness of space? Is it possible to find something new to give meaning to your life when the ship is full of people who saw you at your lowest?

Some seem to have found meaning in one of the new religions that have appeared on Aniara. Others are clinging on to old habits, despite them having lost their meaning. Everyone is looking for something more.

Aniara is a larp about normal people in an extreme situation, and about how they together are trying to cope with it. Focus of the larp is on spirituality and existentialism, relationships, emotions and past trauma.


Karin Edman
Folkbildningsutvecklare Kultur
076-033 93 73

Harry Martinsons episka klassiker som lajv i samarbete med Foxtrot Larps arrangeras i Göteborg. Evenemangets språk är engelska.

This is a larp in the Nordic Larp tradition organized by Foxtrot Larps and Studiefrämjandet in Gothenburg in the spring of 2025. The larp is currently full but sometimes it's possible to be on the reserve list and still get at spot later on. Sign up via the web page linked below.

Several years have passed since the spaceship Aniara got out of her course. The refugees onboard - those still alive - have started to crawl up from their bad attempts at coping with going out into space without hope of ever returning. They are trying to find something to fill the emptiness inside with, something that would give meaning, something to fill the years they have left of their lives.

Is it possible to find something that can push away the emptiness and darkness of space? Is it possible to find something new to give meaning to your life when the ship is full of people who saw you at your lowest?

Some seem to have found meaning in one of the new religions that have appeared on Aniara. Others are clinging on to old habits, despite them having lost their meaning. Everyone is looking for something more.

Aniara is a larp about normal people in an extreme situation, and about how they together are trying to cope with it. Focus of the larp is on spirituality and existentialism, relationships, emotions and past trauma.


Karin Edman
Karin Edman Folkbildningsutvecklare Kultur

Liknande kurser inom Rollspel i Västra Götalands län